The demand is to do it for the sake of doing it, to find something to do; or the demand side feels it is a pain point at first, but in fact it is not. In short, they belong to the kind of job function email list functional requirements that are not painful or itchy, and whether job function email list there is or not will not have much impact. It should be noted that this kind of demand is often pseudo-demand, which not only wastes R&D resources, but also has a very low input-output ratio. 3. No real demand is found 1)
The demander did not clearly put forward the demand job function email list In essence, the demand side does not know what they want, or although it is clear, the words do not convey the meaning. For example, you go to the shopping mall to buy clothes, and finally you job function email list say no, the salesman asks why you didn't buy it, you say it's because it doesn't look good, and then the salesman finds a lot of better-looking clothes for you, but you still say that it doesn't look good, then
The salesman was stunned. In fact, the essential job function email list reason is that you think it is too expensive, but subconsciously you do not know the essential reason or you are unwilling to explain it. This analogy may not be appropriate, but what it wants to express is that what the demand side says is not necessarily the real demand and reason. This requires the product job function email list manager to have a deeper understanding of the demand side's requirements, and also tests the product manager's communication. competencies and human insight. In this regard, product managers should conduct more insight and analysis on the demand side or the market,