Diagnostic evaluation The final result of the ws number list business opportunity stage is to unearth multiple potential market business opportunities. For these business opportunities, we need to diagnose which one or several of these business opportunities to be specific. Only after diagnosing the match between the opportunity and the enterprise can ws number list we give the answer.
Since the market is dynamic, an industry with better ws number list development prospects may stagnate after a period of time due to sudden force majeure or other factors. Therefore, the choice of market business opportunities needs to be done according to one's ability. You can pursue those business opportunities with great potential, but ws number list you must also ws number list be prepared to take the corresponding risks. For a business, the right one is the best. There are different methods of diagnostic evaluation, and only two common methods are introduced here: SWOT and return on investment.
A. SWOT analysis The SWOT method is to analyze from ws number list the four dimensions of corporate strengths (Strengths), corporate weaknesses (Weaknesses), market opportunities (Opportunities) and market threats (Theats), and give coping strategies for each corresponding relationship. There are many external business opportunities, but the resources of ws number list enterprises are limited. X