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About not logoblack product templatesprice listknowledge & helpblogfree triallog insearch onsearch machin nutterentry created years agoentries edited years agointroduced self-destructingmailback to list of itemstwitterlinkedingoogle+pintree how it works how to turn on confidential mode introduces a new and useful feature of from the recipient's inbox whatsapp mobile number list after a time we specify. What's new is to give us more control over our online conversations and make them more secure. In an age where social networking content is popular and disappears after hours, a solution is introduced that allows you to send expired messages in an email environment. It is already available in the desktop version.
Now is the time to launch a mobile app for and. How it works confidential mode allows you to send messages and attachments with an expiration date. According to your needs, we can decide that the message expires in days, weeks, months, three months or five years. We also have the ability to revoke a recipient's access to a given message at any time we specify. Also senders can remove the option to copy forward or print the message to the recipient. Astute testers however note that these limitations do not include the ability to intercept such messages. Watch a video on confidential mode. Another novelty is the ability to password protect sent messages. To read such a confidential email our recipient must enter a one-time code which will be sent to him via sms.