My two thoughts. Weapons such god swords and RuneScape gold claws that have ridiculously powerful specials should not be invented in the first place. JaGeX doesn’t need to make one dragon weapon available for all weapons in the game. Godswords shouldn't be allowed to be pounded by their incredibly strong 132+ strength, which allows you to hit well over what your current strength has allowed you for years.
They were in place because you had to accept the risk of causing huge damage if you chose to make use of the item. It was not always the case as most people who could defend their godswords were allowed to use it.
In my opinion this is the greatest update ever. I've not pkked for a while. But, I've done a lot of Pjing. This is my favorite method of playing, so I only bought claws. (Ok, it looked cool with full Dragon). I sold them yesterday for lowest price anyway. If you want an item with a high bonus to str or some other advantage, you have to take the risk and die. That's why pking can be dangerous. It's not meant to be a noob spec-and-run sport (what I was doing). It's meant to be about honor fights.
The most effective method to remain healthy is to purchase sharks. You'll be amazed at how fast dragon weapons are rising. They'll be ruling the ground now. People will probably still 76k but take a look at the dearth of PJers in the PvP arenas. Everyone is gone. The pkers and pures remain, but they are gone. No one is willing to put their best items at risk. If they do, feel free to take all of it.
My opinion is that it's the best option. I can make use of the five sets of rune in my bank to pk as well as the dragon scimitars and dds's that I have. I'm planning to a proper pking since I won't get 1 or 2 hits using ags or claw specs for d that could give me the maximum hit points. If someone does want to use claws against me, I'd must be sure that buy rs3 gold they don't die.