2019 is coming to an end, and you find that the fat on your body has not decreased but increased, but the deposit number has remained stagnant? It's not that you are too wasteful to give up halfway, it's just that you haven't found a good way. In the new year, download the fun and easy-to-use app developed by fourdesire, a design and development team in taiwan, to develop good habits in life without pain. In 2020, we will not repeat the same mistakes and achieve new hopes for the new year!
Fortune test "Daily trap questions" never lose your mindAlways spend a lot of money to stock up on discounts, and buy all the equipment before you start exercising? There are many hidden pitfalls in everyday life that make people lose their minds. Combining logo design playful design with habit-building tools, the development team fourdesire launched the annual fortune test "Daily trap questions", inviting everyone to predict the representative words of 2020, including "Scattering wealth", "Edge" and other popular internet words that resonate with netizens. Hide bad habits out!
Fourdesire launches "Everyday trap questions" fortune quiz to find out your hidden bad habits
In addition, fourdesire also cooperated with well-known youtubers "Crazy women everywhere", "Comprehensive taste entertainment" and graphic illustrators "Stranger things", "Mr. Bean sprout", "Cry, little unfortunate life", humorously presenting different the daily traps are very touching, share with your friends and face the reality together!